Do Video Games Damage Our Brains?
If you play video games frequently, your brain changes - the more of the so-called grey mass is present in the hippocampus of the brain, the healthier the thought organ is. The less of them are present, the higher the risk of developing a brain disease. The computer game League of Legends is a phenomenon: The computer game "League of Legends" is a phenomenon: around 100 million people worldwide play it, regularly "LoL", as it is said among connoisseurs. The game, in which normally two teams with five members each compete against each other. The rules are complex, and winning against other players requires strategic thinking. Research confirms many a positive effect: The study published in mid-November 2017 of the University of York in England in Plos One magazine. Whether the players became smarter through the hours in front of the screen or whether it simply helps smarter players in the league can't be answered, says psychologist Alexander Wade: We bet on th...